What to Do When Someone Passes
Step 1: Immediate Actions Based on Location

Step 3: Registering the Death
Register the death at the district register office where it occurred. Call ahead to schedule an appointment.
Suggested Contacts
Car Insurance
Change documentation, as driving is not legally insured if the policy is in the deceased's name.
Social Services/District Nurses
Return any equipment belonging to these services.
Hospital and/or Family Doctor
Cancel any outstanding appointments.
Social Security
Complete Form 344/BD8 to cancel direct payments into a bank account. This form is provided by the Registrar of Deaths
Local Council
Cancel housing/rate benefits and council tax.
Gas, electric, water, telephone, and cable companies.
Post Office
Arrange redirection of mail, which may incur a small charge.
Credit Card Companies
Cancel cards and pay up accounts.
Banks and Building Societies
Close accounts and amend joint accounts
Investments and Insurance Policies
Consult a Financial Advisor or Accountant for guidance on bonds, stocks, and insurance policies.
Employer or Professional Association
Inland Revenue
Store Cards
Season Tickets and Club Membership Cards
Library Books and Card
Care of Pets
National Insurance Papers
Private Pension Providers
Life Assurance
House and Contents Insurance
Travel Insurance
Mobile Phone Provider
Broadband Provider
Mortgage Provider/Landlord
Television License
Here are some useful contact numbers for Hospitals and Registrars in Wigan:
Hospitals in Wigan
Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust
Royal Albert Edward Infirmary (Wigan Infirmary)
General Enquiries: 01942 244000
Bereavement Office: 01942 822444
Leigh Infirmary
General Enquiries: 01942 244000
Wrightington Hospital
General Enquiries: 01257 256394
Registrars in Wigan
Wigan Register Office
Phone Number: 01942 4890033
Address: Wigan Life Centre, College Avenue, Wigan, WN1 1NJ
Email: registrars@wigan.gov.uk
Leigh Register Office
Phone Number: 01942 404542
Address: Leigh Town Hall, Market Street, Leigh, WN7 1DY
Email: registrars@wigan.gov.uk